2017년 11월 9일 목요일

To pastor Donald Crom English version 2 - about China, Russia for Donald Trump

It took quite a long time and I started to write two.
There was no time for moving the church.

Chinese division

미국과 유럽의 영속적 발전은, 중국과 러시아, 이슬람 세력의 경제 약화와 분열로만 보장이 됩니다.
The perpetual development of the United States and Europe is guaranteed only by the economic weakness and fragmentation of China, Russia and Islamic forces.

중국, 러시아, 이슬람 세력은 미국, 유럽과 양립이 불가능하며, 잠재적으로 서로 적성국입니다. China, Russia and Muslim forces are incompatible with the US and Europe, and potentially mutually opponents.

1. Mother Shipton

The yellow man is getting great power.
From their bear
But this mighty tyrant fails, but the danger grows in their actions.

2. Baba Vanga

2018 – New China becomes a world power. Developing countries in turn operated from exploiters.

3. 노스트라다무스

Nostradamus 2:43 English

During the appearance of the bearded star.The three great princes will be made enemies:Struck from the sky, peace earth quaking,Po, Tiber overflowing, a serpent on the shore.

Quatrain 2:89

If you press the Hangul version, you will go to the interpretation.
If you press English version, you will go to the original version.

4. 추배도 (推背圖)

1. Prophecy : World War ended. The four nations will take over, Six, seven nations shall be called brethren.

2. Prophetic Song : The conflict and powder smoke will stop and the sea will calm down. 
Calling the prime ministor king and calling the president emperor is also peacefully controlled.
However, the disaster star will be hidden northward.It will not be the time when everyone can sing a peace song.

3. chinese interpreter : 
중국이 유럽을 먹지 못해서 무척 아쉽지만, 유럽이 중국의 영향력 아래 있을 것이다!
I am very sorry that China can not eat Europe, but Europe will be under Chinese influence!

즉, 중국은 결국 유럽도 먹고 싶어 합니다.
In other words, China wants to dominate Europe in the end.

그런 상황은 러시아와 이슬람 나라들도 마찬가지 입니다.
The same is true for Russia and Islamic countries.

Numerous prophets, including Nostradamus and Baba Benga, have announced a great deal of prophecies that China, Russia, and Muslims will swallow Europe and Americain addition to these prophecies.

1984년 경기도 광명시 철산동 할아버지 댁에서 하나님께서 제게 오셔서 말씀하셨습니다.
In 1984, God came to me and told me at the grandfather 's house in Cheolsan town, Gwangmyeong city, Gyeonggi province, South Korea.
"미국과 유럽 및 자유진영 연합군들이 살고싶으면 중국과 러시아를 여러 조각으로 분열, 분리 시켜놓아라!" 
"If the United States, Europe, and the free coalition want to live, divide China and Russia into pieces!"

미국과 유럽 및 자유진영 나라들이 하나님의 충고에 따르지 않을 경우에 대해서는 길게 쓰지 않고 성경 말씀으로 적겠습니다.
If the United States, Europe, and free nations do not follow God's advice, I will write your futures with the contexts in the Bible without writing long.

1Kings Chapter20

31.And his servants said to him, "Behold now, we have heard that the kings of the house of Israel are merciful kings, please let us put sackcloth on our loins and ropes on our heads, and go out to the king of Israel; perhaps he will save your life."
32.So they girded sackcloth on their loins and [put] ropes on their heads, and came to the king of Israel and said, "Your servant Ben-hadad says, 'Please let me live.'" And he said, "Is he still alive? He is my brother."
33.Now the men took this as an omen, and quickly catching his word said, "Your brother Ben-hadad." Then he said, "Go, bring him." Then Ben-hadad came out to him, and he took him up into the chariot.
34.And [Ben-hadad] said to him, "The cities which my father took from your father I will restore, and you shall make streets for yourself in Damascus, as my father made in Samaria." [Ahab said,] "And I will let you go with this covenant." So he made a covenant with him and let him go.
35.Now a certain man of the sons of the prophets said to another by the word of the LORD, "Please strike me." But the man refused to strike him.
36.Then he said to him, "Because you have not listened to the voice of the LORD, behold, as soon as you have departed from me, a lion will kill you." And as soon as he had departed from him a lion found him, and killed him.
37.Then he found another man and said, "Please strike me." And the man struck him, wounding him.
38.So the prophet departed and waited for the king by the way, and disguised himself with a bandage over his eyes.
39.And as the king passed by, he cried to the king and said, "Your servant went out into the midst of the battle; and behold, a man turned aside and brought a man to me and said, 'Guard this man; if for any reason he is missing, then your life shall be for his life, or else you shall pay a talent of silver.'
40."And while your servant was busy here and there, he was gone." And the king of Israel said to him, "So shall your judgment be; you yourself have decided [it]."
41.Then he hastily took the bandage away from his eyes, and the king of Israel recognized him that he was of the prophets.
42.And he said to him, "Thus says the LORD, 'Because you have let go out of [your] hand the man whom I had devoted to destruction, therefore your life shall go for his life, and your people for his people.'"
43.So the king of Israel went to his house sullen and vexed, and came to Samaria.

도널드 크롬 목사님을 포함한 외국 목사님들이 발표할 유예 기간을 짧게는 2주 정도 갖겠습니다. 
Foreign pastors, including Pastor Donald Crrom, will have a short grace period of two weeks to deliver and present this article.

이 후부터는 저와 어머니 목사님이 직접 서울 시청 광장이나 서울역에서 이 글을 발표할 생각입니다. 
After that, I and my mother are going to present this article directly at Seoul City Hall Square or Seoul Station.

한국과 미국 및 세계 질서 사정이 급박하니 시간적 여유가 없기 때문입니다.
This is because there is no time for Korea, the US, and the world order to be urgent.

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